A DIY Paint Guide – House Painting By Yourself

Giving the inside of a house a fresh coat of paint can work wonders for its appearance. While hiring professional painting contractors is an option, many homeowners may take on the task themselves. With the right tools and techniques, achieving a proper painting job is entirely possible for the avid DIY paint enthusiast. In this guide, I will outline the essential tools and tips you will need for your house painting project.

Tools of the Trade

1. Quality Paint Brushes and Rollers

Investing in high-quality brushes and rollers is crucial for a smooth and even finish. Look for brushes with natural bristles for oil-based paints and synthetic bristles for water-based paints. Choose a roller with a medium nap for most surfaces. Consider purchases a reusable roller. I have found these rollers leave far less sediment on the wall than disposable rollers.

2. Painter’s Tape

Painter’s tape can be your best friend when it comes to achieving clean, sharp edges between different surfaces. Use it to mask off areas you do not want to paint, such as trim, windows, and ceilings. Typically, professional painting companies will avoid using painters’ tape as the risks of using it can outweigh the benefits and a steady hand can produce the best result. Tape can peel paint off walls, cabinets, etc. if left on for too long. Additionally, if paint dries on the walls AND the tape, the tape will peel where you remove the tape.

Painters’ tape can serve its purpose for the DIY paint job, just be sure to remove the paint immediately after painting to avoid intense adhesion or the paint drying between the tape and surface.

BONUS: Check out these easy wall paint design ideas with tape for unique finishes!

3. Drop Cloths or Plastic Sheeting

Protect your floors and furniture from paint splatters and drips. Place drop cloths on the floor as they will provide some traction when walking and protect the floor. Use plastic sheeting to cover any furniture in the room, plastic will ensure paint does not soak through to the furniture underneath the cover. Ensure they are securely taped down to prevent any slips or accidental drips.

4. Spackling Paste and Sandpaper

For a smooth surface, fill any holes or cracks with spackling paste. Once dry, sand it down until it is flush with the surrounding area. This is an integral step, do not take it lightly. Proper spackling and sending on any imperfections on the wall set the foundation for what your walls will look like. I have seen plenty of homes where these imperfections show through and it does not look good. Ensure the spackle has time to dry and you take the time to sand the area smooth.

5. Primer

Primer is essential for preparing surfaces before painting. It helps paint adhere better than without and provides a uniform base over which you will apply the finish paint. Primer can make a huge difference in how your colors show through and how long the look lasts. If you are planning on applying light colors over what you already have, consider applying primer to ensure you get a strong, lasting finish.

6. Paint Trays and Liners

Using a paint tray with a liner makes cleanup a breeze. Plus, it ensures that you are working with clean paint for a consistent finish. When using a liner, allow the remaining paint to dry and then throw away for easy cleanup.

7. Stir Sticks

Always stir your paint thoroughly before use to ensure an even color and texture. The paint you purchase will be mixed at the store, rather intensely, but will settle some by the time you start your DIY paint job. Give it a stir before starting!

8. Extension Poles

For hard-to-reach areas, like high ceilings or tall walls, an extension pole for your roller is indispensable. For most, the basic wooden pole will be adequate. For double height areas, you might consider and adjustable pole which will be more expensive, but provide a more even finish. For very high ceilings, scaffolding may be necessary.

9. Paint Can Opener and Pour Spout

A specialized paint can opener will make the process of opening and resealing paint cans much easier, though a flat head screwdriver will do the trick. Using a pour spout can make the process of pouring paint into the tray clean and easy, it will prevent paint from running doing the side of the can or getting into the top enclosure.

10. Respirator or Mask

Protect yourself from fumes and dust with a quality respirator or mask designed for painting. This will not always be necessary, though some may be more sensitive to paint and dust than others. Depending on the weather, consider opening the windows when painting inside of a house, to help get rid of fumes.

11. Paint

Choosing high quality paint is important. While some paints might seem like they are saving you money, they end up costing more in the long run because they do not last very long. I typically recommend using Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore paints. These brands offer good quality products across the board and have a wide range of prices and options.

There are good, cost effective paints for those on a budget, including Sherwin Williams Super Paint or Benjamin Moore Ben. As you go further upscale with your paint product, you will have stronger results in quality of color, durability, and longevity. If in your budget, consider using Benjamin Moore Regal Select or Aura paint for tremendous results.

Bonus: Check out Evergreen Fog Sherwin Williams (SW 9130). I think this color is tremendous as it adds some subtle color to your home. Sherwin Williams Evergreen Fog is green enough to add personality to a room, and light enough you can maintain a sense of calm. Evergreen fog can also be used for other painting project such as cabinet painting!

Note, you do not need to purchase Sherwin Williams paint if you choose a Sherwin Williams color, you can bring the paint code to another paint supplier and they can mix it for you. I will visit the Ricciardi Brothers (our more prominent North Jersey Benjamin Moore distributor) location nearest a job site, give them a color code and they can prepare the color with their paint.

Tips for a Professional Finish

1. Preparation is Key

Spend ample time preparing the surfaces you plan to paint. Clean them thoroughly, repair any imperfections, and allow ample time for drying before applying primer or paint. Consider using soap and water or another cleaning solution if you have some surface grime on your walls (some common areas we see this are around light switches and doorways). See the notes above for repairing nail holes and the like.

2. Use a High-Quality Paint

Once more, investing in a premium paint will make a noticeable difference in the result. It provides better coverage, durability, and a smoother finish.

3. Apply Thin Coats

Thin, even coats of paint are more effective and give a smoother finish than thick coats. This also helps prevent drips and runs. You’re most likely going to need to paint two coats in any case, apply thin, even coats.

4. Follow a “W” or “M” Pattern

When using a roller, apply paint in a “W” or “M” pattern, then fill in the gaps. This technique helps distribute the paint evenly. Additionally, you won’t have any “seams” in your final result.

5. Remove Painter’s Tape Carefully

Wait until the paint is completely dry before removing painter’s tape. Use a utility knife to score the edge for a clean line. As mentioned, if you do use painters’ tape, be sure to remove promptly after applying the current coat of paint. Additionally, do no press too hard to the surface, we want it to be easy to remove so as not to damage the surface it is protecting. NOTE: putting painters’ tape on a recently painted surface (within the last ~2 weeks) is not recommended as it is much more likely to peel the paint.

6. Clean Your Tools Thoroughly

Properly cleaning your brushes, rollers, and trays after each use ensures they will be in good condition for your next project. This is especially important if you work with a reusable roller, letting the paint dry on there will ruin the roller. For long lasting use, ensure you clean your reusable roller quickly and carefully.

7. Allow Ample Drying Time

Be patient and allow each coat to dry fully before applying the next one. Rushing this step can lead to a less-than-perfect finish. Applying too soon can have a negative effect on the first coat and you may end up needing to do a third coat. Be patient to get the job done sooner. Wait at least 4 hours between coats of paint.

Finally… A few questions you may have regarding your painting project.

Does paint dry darker or lighter?

                It’s important to keep in mind that water-based paints will tend to dry lighter than when you first see them applied, while oil-based paints will dry darker. Most of what you will be working with is water-based, so just remember, the color you initially see is not the final color. Don’t panic!

How long does it take to paint a room?

                The duration to paint a room varies based on the project’s scope. Painting tasks such as base molding, walls, ceiling, and doors in a standard room might require a full day or more, depending on its size. However, when tackling multiple rooms, the rate of completion can be less than one room per day. This is because the time it takes to paint a single room includes drying time, allowing for efficient progress across multiple spaces.

How to paint corners when I’m using a roller on the walls?

                Painting corners will be a part of your “cut-in” process. You can go through cutting in the corners of the walls BEFORE painting the rest of the walls. This is a more tedious process where you paint the corners with a brush so there is a uniform finish after you roll the walls. Depending on the color you are using you may need to cut the corners in twice, though giving the corners two coats is recommended in any case.

By following these tips and using the right tools, you can achieve a professional-looking paint job that transforms your space. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to tackle smaller projects first to build your confidence. Once complete you will have a proud and satisfied feeling thinking “I painted that” and you’ll see it for years to come. Be sure to take pictures before and after painting to show your friends and family the transformation you made in your home. Happy painting!

At Maxwell Painting we are North Jersey painters. Based in Montville, NJ, we are committed to providing our neighbors with premium painting services. We serve Montville, Towaco, Pine Brook, and Greater Morris County, NJ. Finding painters in NJ you can trust can be a frustrating process, work with Maxwell Painting for exceptional results and a seamless experience. Maxwell Painting – House Painters NJ.